Monday, August 29, 2011

Is Using galvanic Mouse Traps well Humane?

There are currently many electric mouse traps and pest control devices being sold. Many of these devices are being sold as a humane alternative to the traditional spring based traps, sticky glue based traps and rodent poisons. To settle if the electric mouse trap is absolutely humane we must first understand how the accepted methods of mouse control work.

Spring loaded traps have been nearby for a long time. They deliver a crushing blow when triggered which may or may not kill a mouse. This formula is quite imprecise as the trap may trap or injure a mouse which in turn leads to the animal suffering. This kind of trap can be difficult to set and may make a messy job of killing the mouse. If the definition of humane is not to cause unnecessary suffering then the traditional spring loaded mouse trap scores very poorly on the humane scale.

Glue Mouse Traps

The next type of mouse trap is the sticky glue trap. This is essentially a plastic tray filled with a extremely adhesive gel which sticks to whatever that comes into feel with it. It is separate from the spring loaded trap in that it doesn't kill the mouse. It merely traps the mouse until you are able to deal with it. This often means you are left with the unpleasant job of killing the mouse.

Is Using galvanic Mouse Traps well Humane?

But is trapping the mouse on a sticky tray filled with glue absolutely humane? Often the mouse will die of exhaustion trying to get free. Some mice will even administrate to escape by tearing off body parts. Plus there is the issue of how long the mouse is left struggling before you discover it. It hardly seems a humane solution.

The final choice for most is the use of poison. There are some disadvantages to using poison but they aren't absolutely involved with how humane it is to poison a mouse. If the mouse eats the poison and then scurries off to die behind a wall or under the fridge that's a question for you but it doesn't absolutely make the poison either humane or inhumane. To settle if poison is humane or not we need to know if the mouse suffers unnecessarily after eating it. Poisoning is painful and causes the mouse to suffer without a doubt. Mice are incapable of vomiting and after swallowing the poison they die quite slowly. A slow painful death is right on not humane.

This brings us to the most modern way of dealing with mice, the electric mouse trap. These are essentially a baited box where the mouse enters and triggers an electric shock. The electric shock kills the mouse extremely quickly. It is absolutely a lot more literal, than the spring loaded traps. But are such devices humane? Well the acknowledge is that they are humane in the sense that they kill the mouse speedily and do not cause any unnecessary suffering. Compared to regular spring loaded and glue traps they are very humane. Compared to poison they are also humane.

The only real choice that would be more humane would be to catch the mouse in a live trap and publish it far away from your home. This would of course not certify you wouldn't get more mice in your home. Sometimes stoppage is good than cure and sealing up possible points of entry into your home and manufacture sure you don't leave food laying nearby so that the mice don't get in may be a lot more humane than having to resort to any kind of trap. However, if you need to kill a mouse these electric traps may be the most humane way of doing so.

Is Using galvanic Mouse Traps well Humane?

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